Regional Engineering College, Rourkela

This website is very outdated. You will be forwarded to National Institute of Technologies (NIT), Rourkela official site.

Alumni Database Entry Form

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Entry Form

Note: Please provide at least a contact address (Address, Email, Phone, FAX, etc.).
Do not forget to notify any change in address, phone, etc.
If you wish to keep something private, leave that field blank.
Please leave all irrelevant fields blank.

If you are not being able to use the FORM, please use the alternate email form or send an email.

                 < Firstname > < Middlename > < Lastname >

REC, Rourkela Information:

Format YYYY (eg: 1983) 
(Please indicate if the degree was not undergraduate)
 BS      MS      PhD

Nickname: (If any. People might not remember you without it)

Education After REC:

Use if required or leave it blank: 


Current Info:

(Specify Job Position & Company; specialization & program if in Univ.)
Work Address:
Work Phone:     
FAX # :         
Email Address:  
HomePage URL:   

Personal Info:

Residential Address:    
Residence Ph:    

Spouse's Name: Children:

Additional Information: 

Please check an option to indicate the nature of this entry:

 Add     Change  Delete



It might take a few days for this info to be available in the alumni database.

Last Updated: 30 Dec 1997

Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1997 and 1998 by Sunil Kumar Mishra.